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Boosted Social Shares by 604% in 90 Days

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The top two objectives for the TuneMoji team was user growth and retention.


Despite their best efforts in Acquiring Users, the Return of Investment (ROI) on their Instagram and Twitter campaigns were costly and ineffective. As Tunemoji’s core functionality allows users to share GIFs across various messaging platforms, their key performance indicator (KPI) was naturally, an increase in the number of shares week on week. However, these numbers were declining and they needed a solution, fast.

Through research, we also discovered a significant issue that had to be addressed. There were sufficient evidence to suggest that users were not sharing GIFs because they did not know how to. As a result, users were merely downloading the GIFs, instead of sharing them.

Next, their cost per installation had to be reduced significantly to increase their ROI as their allocated budget was fixed.


5x User Growth, While Reducing Cost Per Installation By -78%

One of the campaigns launched included a how-to video in a digestible format to spread the word via Facebook and Instagram. This way, we could extend our reach to current and new audiences, while educating them on its core functionality.

Next, we built, tested and experimented 22 campaigns rapidly on various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Google Adwords, Google Play and the iTunes store to obtain key audience and interaction data on a much faster pace.

When we found that Facebook and Instagram were the best converting channels, we ran 178 A/B tests, allowing us to define top countries that resonated with the product and the most effective content. As a result, we reduced the cost per acquisition significantly since we could improve and reiterate on the data once we knew what worked and what didn’t. The result was a 500% increase in users, while reducing cost per installations by 78%!

From our research, we knew that content that received the best engagement were either funny, current or surprising. In one remarkable campaign, we swapped the video tutorial ads with a GIF featuring the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones while the show was in season. It was mindblowing to see that once we produced a GIF that was a hit, it was possible to achieve a CPI that is 60% lower than the average!


+550% More Engagement, +604% Social Shares

With in-app data analysis we made several UX changes to the app to improve the user experience, in a bid to keep them engaged. One of our favourite tweaks was a pop-up that was designed to encourage iOS users to allow notifications. This pop-up was personalized according to our identified target audience. We could now send an alert on new GIFs on a weekly basis, reminding them that the app had constant fresh content. This tweak moved the needle significantly from a low 6% to 35% of users opting in to receive notifications.

As the main KPI was to increase the number of GIFs shared, we made several UX improvements so that users had a much easier way of sharing the clips in a more enjoyable way. The result? The number of clips soared by 604%.


With a solid method of foundation of testing, reiterating and redesign, Tunemoji’s growth performance improved dramatically in just 90 days.

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